Buat yang penasaran pilih nicotinamide ato clindamycin, baca ringkasan jurnal orang yg gw copas ini dulu ya... bentaran doang kok, dan elo bakal bisa memutuskan sendiri nicotinamide ato clindamycin yang akhirnya elo pilih. check this out!
Topical Nicotinamide Compared with Clindamycin Gel in The Treatment of Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris.
Shalita AR, Smith JG, Parish LC, Sofman MS, Chalker DK.
Department of Dermatology, State University of New York, College of Medicine, Brooklyn, USA.
Systemic and topical antimicrobials are effective in the treatment of inflammatory acne vulgaris; however, widespread use of these agents is becoming increasingly associated with the emergence of resistant pathogens raising concerns about microorganism resistance and highlighting the need for alternative nonantimicrobial agents for the treatment of acne. Nicotinamide gel provides potent antiinflammatory activity without the risk of inducing bacterial resistance.
In our double-blind investigation, the safety and efficacy of topically applied 4% nicotinamide gel was compared to 1% clindamycin gel for the treatment of moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris. Seventy-six patients were randomly assigned to apply either 4% nicotinamide gel (n = 38) or 1% clindamycin gel (n = 38) twice daily for 8 weeks. Efficacy was evaluated at 4 and 8 weeks using a Physician's Global Evaluation, Acne Lesion Counts, and an Acne Severity Rating.
After 8 weeks, both treatments produced comparable (P = 0.19) beneficial results in the Physician's Global Evaluation of Inflammatory Acne; 82% of the patients treated with nicotinamide gel and 68% treated with clindamycin gel were improved. Both treatments produced statistically similar reductions in acne lesions (papules/pustules; -60%, nicotinamide vs. -43%, clindamycin, P = 0.168), and acne severity (-52% nicotinamide group vs. -38% clindamycin group, P = 0.161)
These data demonstrate that 4% nicotinamide gel is of comparable efficacy to 1% clindamycin gel in the treatment of acne vulgaris. Because topical clindamycin, like other antimicrobials, is associated with emergence of resistant microorganisms, nicotinamide gel is a desirable alternative treatment for acne vulgaris.
Gw jerawatan dan gw dah coba pake keduanya, dan gw pilih nicotinamide deh. selain dari apa yg gw baca dari penggalan penelitian orang yg udah gw copas diatas klo ternyata poin baik nicotinamide adalah ga bikin bakteri resisten cz dia bukan antibiotik seperti clindamycin, di gw juga nicotinamide punya efek yg lebih ngademin, dan merah-merah radang di jerawat cepet banget berkurang. oia! dan gak pahit. percaya ato engga clindamycin itu pait banget.. just in case meleleh ke deket bibir dan ga sengaja kejilat yaa.. cz gw bukan pemakan obat topikal kok. hehe.
Gw pilih nicotinamid bukannya bilang kalo clindamycin ini jelek loh. clindamycin juga di gw bagus, ampuh ngeringin jerawat dan ngeringin muka juga huhuhu. tapi berhubung ni antibiotik, dan gw di ajarin sama guru biologi gw dulu kalo konsumsi antibiotik itu harus memperhatikan kontinyuitas, klo dikasih dokter dosis utk dua minggu kita musti pake 2 minggu nonstop habisin tuh obatnya (misalnya). kalo ga bakteri malah jadi kebal a.k.a. resisten. nah berhubung gw bukan tipikal cewe telaten, gw khawatir gitu kalo kalo aja tar gw pakenya bolong-bolong dan meningkatkan resiko patogen resisten. sereeem. lebih jauh, silahkan googling sendiri jurnal orang tentang clindamycin, berhamburan di luar sana.
FYI, nicotinamide dan clindamycin disini adalah kandungan obat, bukan merek dagang. Merk dagangnya sih Niacef (nicotinamide 4%), dan Medi-Klin (clindamycin 1%) bisa lo dapetin dg mudah di apotik (sebetulnya harus dg resep dokter, cuma berhubung industri farmasi di Indo rada payah, yaa jadinya gitu deh) keduanya keluaran SDM. apa pula itu SDM? hehehe SDM itu pabriknya. HTH ya gals!
9 comments on "obat topikal untuk acne, pilih nicotinamide, apa clindamycin?"
buat cowok baguss tak..???
thanks info obat topikal untuk acne
bagus kok. cewe cowo gak ngaruh juga
nicotinamide itu obat minum apa semacam salep gt yah ??
nicotinamide tuh obat yg diminum apa semacem salep gt yah ??
nicotinamide itu obat yg diminum apa semacem salep gt yah ??
nicotinamide itu obat yg diminum apa semacem salep gt yah ??
makasih infonya, lalu penggunaannya gimana? apa diminum atw gimana? apa sama penggunaannya dg clindamycin?
makasih atas infonya,, trus cara pemakaiannya gmn?
apa sama dengan menggunakan clindamycin?
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