Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Good bye six and welcome seven

Goodbye six and welcome seven. Perasaan baru kemarin ikutan opdik sekarang kaga kerasa udah semester tujuh aje... Seneng sih, tapi cemas juga secara aku jadi mahasiswi tingkat akhir sekarang, oh gosh! semoga study ku selesai tepat waktu tanpa ada halangan berarti yaa, amiiin. Now, yg dinanti tiba juga : liburan! I'm not going to anywhere, but there're many plans that I hope will be done by the end of this holiday.

1. Learn how to ride a motorcycle
2. Improve some skills, esp cooking :P
3. Take a course, esp. english
4. Do something for my KP success.
5. Have fun!!! :D
6. Rearrange my room
7. Do some sport!

Happy holiday :D

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