Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

fuckin' crazy!!!

this is just a common post to kill my boring time, i just bolted from all -errrgh- my assignment. and gosh! wht's wrong with my back, it is pain enough. did I too long to lie down on my bed wrongly? *bicara apa sih, english-nya kacau sekali -_-'* Guys, sometimes i feel guilty,I feel I am on the wrong way. sometimes i feel like I am the stupidest woman in the world. and sometimes I feel my life is terrible. it is awful, you know it. 

Journey to the past... Long time ago, I dreamed that I would be a doctor. To be a doctor was my ambition. and I have tried my best to afford it, but I can't. why? Am I stupid? errr I don't think so, maybe I'm not Clever, but I'am smart enough -I hope. hahah. Like all SPMBers, I have two choise which I put information system in my second choise. and now here I am, lost in Ilkom. (T.T) i didn't past the exam, and I never be a doctor.

Finally I listed as student of Ilkom, considering it better to take it than I don't study anymore. To be a computer programing is a BIG no for me. it almost never through my mind that Iam a programmer gonna be. you know what, I don't like programming at all. it was an accidental choise, unintended. I put Information System as my second? OMG.. :(  what an awful life!
tonight I have to spend all my night  in front of computer, make a softtware, build a system, designing  sites. errgh- I have to solve so many problems, assignment, project, etc,bla bla, yadda yadda.. I wanna scream out, as loudly as I can!!!


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